Saturday, February 25, 2012

Breakfast Burrito

Breakfast Burrito
4 Eggs
1/4 Tomato
Frozen carrots & peas
2 Slices of Bacon
3 Breakfast sausage links
1/2 a small Onion
Hot sauce
Soft taco shell
Non-stick spray

I have a friend in town for the weekend so it's mandatory that I make her feel "hospitable". Can't have her going back to Gainesville talking about how inhospitable people are here. So, I made breakfast at 9am. Why were we both awake that early on a Saturday? Apparently 4 eggs was enough to make enough for 3 shells.

Chop up 2 slices of bacon so it's easier to cook. Chop up 1/2 of an onion, tomato, and sausage links. Crack 4 eggs into a bowl and mix in some s&p and a little oil. 

First, spray pan with non-stick spray and add a little oil. Cook the bacon and then add the onions. After a few minutes, add the peas & carrots, then sausage and finally the eggs after everything is warmed up and happy in the pan. I microwaved the shells to soften them up, ripped up a slice of cheese, laid it on tortilla and scooped egg stuff on top and covered it with the tomatoes, ketchup and hot sauce (Texas Pete). Bam.

1 comment:

  1. very hospitable...and at 9am...i think i shall come back.
